(The victory in decoding hidden messages)

The physical world we perceive is essentially a manifestation or reflection of reality when viewed from an external standpoint. Therefore, what we observe through our senses and process mentally does not necessarily represent the true reality. In the Quran, this sensory data from the physical world is referred to as the "ayaati of Allah," meaning the signs of Allah. These signs can be understood as indicators or pointers to a deeper underlying truth. According to Quranic verse 3:7, the signs of Allah can be categorized into two types: "muhkamat" and "mutasyabihat." Muhkamat refers to the natural laws that govern regularities in the world, while mutasyabihat denotes objects or phenomena that resemble aspects of reality. Together, muhkamat and mutasyabihat form a message that is communicated by the inner voice or the divine messenger (rasul) to the restless human mind (an-nas). Upon receiving this message, one needs to decipher it in order to perceive and comprehend the underlying reality. Allah bestows upon those who sincerely seek truth the ability to decode these hidden messages through His abstract system of education known as Ar Rahman. The decoded message, known as Al Kitab, represents the truth from one's Lord. This truth, Al Kitab, can now be perceived and subsequently put into practice as a direct personal experience from a first-person perspective.

The above explanation is derived from an analysis of the following verses of the Quran.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman).  

2.76    And when they laqu / measure to determine as those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), they say, "Aamanna / we take security (in Al Kitab)", and when khola / alone (empty of aamanu in Al Kitab when govern by own thoughts), some of them among them, they say, "Atu haddisu / do they perceive the representation with what Allah has fataha / decoded the meaning (of the ayaati) upon you, that they may dispute with you about it, in the nearnest of your Rabb / Lord?"  Will you then not use reason ? 

2:89    And when there came to them, kitabun / an inherent script from the nearness of Allah confirming what is from before that yastaftihuuna / will bring victory as a decoded message against those kafaru / who reject (ayaati of Allah), then when there came to them that which they had recognised, they kafaru / reject with it. So let the curse of Allah be on the kafirin / rejecters.


6.59    And with Him is mafatihu ghaibun / the metaphysical state of decoded message, none know them except He.  And He knows what is in the barri / factual (knowledge) and (in) the bahri / sea of knowledge; and not a waraqatin / cover from shame falls except He knows of it; nor hubbah / a love in the darkness of the ardh / lower consciousness; nor anything rotbin / fresh (knowledge) or anything dry knowledge (over time); all in kitabin mubin / a clear inherent script. 

12.65    So when they fatahu / decode / unlock their possession (what they benefited out of it), they found their bida'ata / pieces of information (that does not present the truth) had been returned to them, and they said: “O our aba / own mind that foster the fatherly support, what more can we seek, these are our bida'atu / pieces of information returned to us, so we can get more for our ahle / those acquainted, and be preservers over our brother (other thoughts), and increase a measure of kaila / source of intelligence to ba'irin / to reject the wrongful deed. That is truly an easy kailun / source of intelligence!” 

14.15    And istaftahu / they requested victory (for the success of their decoding for the true meaning of the ayaati) from Allah, and disappointed of each obstinate (stubborn) recovery (from failure).

38.50    Jannatin / hidden garden of delightful knowledge, for them the doorways of adnin mufattahah / the one who received the decoded meaning of ayaati (from Allah), perpetually. 

39.71    And those who kafaru / rejected (Al Kitab) will be driven to jahannam / state of stagnation, zumaran / a metabolism of life.  Until when they reach it, and its gates are futihat / opened (abled to decode the true meaning of ayaati), and its khazanatu / treasure of knowledge say to them: “Did you not receive rusulun / inner voices (that deliver the message) from among you who recited to you the ayaati / signs of your Rabb / Lord, and warned you about your meeting this moment?” They said: “Yes, but it has been justified word of retribution has come to pass upon the kafirin / rejecters.” 

39.73    And those who are mindful of their Rabb / Lord will be driven to jannati / hidden garden of knowledge, zumaran / a metabolism of life. Until when they reach it, and its gates are futihat / opened (abled to decode the true meaning of ayaati), its khazanatu / treasure of knowledge will say to them: “Salamun / peace be upon you. You have done well, so enter to abide herein.” 

48.1    Indeed, fatahna / We have decoded for you a clear fathan / decoded message (from the ayaati in the lower consciousness). 

48.2    That Allah may forgive your present sins, and those past, and so that He may complete His nikmatahu / blessings (with pleasant thoughts) upon you, and guide you on a straight path. 

48.27    Surely Allah has sadaqa / given genuine empirical facts to His rasul / inner voices (that deliver the message) visions, bil haqqi / with truth: “You will enter the masjidil al haraam / the prohibitions in state of the submission, Allah willing, secure, with your heads shaven (a metaphor for the remove of baseless and false understanding that you are holding on) and muqassirin / those who did not complete (the understanding), having no fear.” Thus, He knew what you did not know, and He has made from besides that, fathan qariban / a near victory to receiving the decoded message. 

57.10    And what is for you that you do not tunfiqu  / spend (put into practical experience) in the cause of Allah, when Allah possesses all wealth (of knowledge) in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness? Not equal among you are those who spent before the fathan / the victory of receiving the decoded message  and qatalu / kill own nafs before educating it. They are those who attain a greater darajah / rank from among those who spent (after the victory) and qatalu / kill own nafs and educating it.  And for each, Allah promises goodness. And Allah is Acquainted with everything you do. 

61.13    And also tuhibbunaha / you will receive what you love: nashrun / a triumph from Allah and fathun / a victory for receiving the decoded message that is qaribun / close at hand. And basshiri / pleasant thoughts to the mukminin / those who take security (in Al Kitab). 

110.1    When the nasru / help of Allah and fathu / victory to receiving the decoded message comes. 








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